Academic Milestone Checklist

Academic Milestone Checklist

We would like to invite the current students to continuously check their progress against the milestones defined by Vincent Mary School of Engineering and are stated on this page. The milestones require the current students to take specific and concrete actions per every academic year. Failure to meet the milestones (e.g., delay in major declaration) as planned, may result in graduation delay or unnecessary complications in official procedures.

Year 1 (Freshmen)

Freshman Booklet

All freshman students are required to study the freshman booklet.

First Orientation

All freshmen students are required to attend the first orientation session, The time and date of the orientation session is announced by Vincent Mary School of Engineering prior to beginning of every academic semester.

Visit the VME first orientation announcements page to know your first orientation date.


Preregistration refers to official registration request by students before an academic semester begins. This step is conducted online. The online registration is allowed only if students have met their academic advisors and get their approval.

Failure to meet academic advisor will result in students to be unable to perform the preregistration which consequently prevents them to book preferred course sections and seats. This might result in less flexible weekly academic schedules.

Vincent Mary School of Engineering strongly recommends all current VME students to perform preregistration before the beginning of every academic semester.

The AU Spark offers an online preregistration platform with desktop and mobile versions. It allows students to perform many other tasks beside preregistration such as:

  • Academic Information
  • University and Faculty Announcements
  • Weekly Class Schedule Organization
  • Academic Advisor Name and Contact Information
  • Class Add/Remove
  • Online Petition System

Note that current students will be given an AU account with a username (e.g. and a password that should be used for preregistration. All current students will be provided with Google Enterprise Edition services via university email.

Academic Advising

All VME students are required to meet their academic advisor twice a semester. Use the AU Spark platform to find your academic advisor name. Failure to do so will result in students’ preregistration account to be locked in next academic semester. The faculty of engineering recommends current students to carefully study the preregistration process and adhere to it as stated in the following flowchart:

Year 2 (Sophomores)

Major Change

All sophomore students who are studying in their second academic year may change their major in the beginning of the third academic semester. This opportunity is possible as the first-year courses are almost identical for all the majors. Current students who intend to change their major may do so by contacting the VME0202 office in person.

Year 3 (Juniors)


VME Students are encouraged to enroll in an internship programs at this stage. The faculty periodically announces internship opportunities.

The internship programs are highly recommended to be attended during summer semesters.

Note: Students may consult their academic advisors and get their approval to participate in internship programs as major elective course.

Year 4 (Seniors)

Senior Engineering Project 1

In first academic semester of year 4, senior engineering students are allowed to take engineering project 1 course if they have accumulated minimum of 100 credits. The students shall enroll in one of the following courses: CE4901, or EE4901, or MCE4901 according to their department respectively.

Download senior project 1 documents .

Browse previous senior project 1 reports.

Senior Engineering Project 2

In second academic semester of year 4, senior engineering students are allowed to take engineering project 2 if they have passed the engineering project 2 course. The students shall enroll in one of the following courses: CE4902, EE4902, or MCE4902 based on their department respectively.

Download senior project 2 documents .

Browse previous senior project 2 reports.

Last Orientation

The last orientation event as the partial fulfillment of BG14038 course is organized once a year and attendance is mandatory for all graduating students.

Visit the VME last orientation announcements page to know your last orientation date.

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